Pearl Jam - One of the Best Live Bands; 10 Must Have Songs.

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They've been called one of the best live bands in the world today. If you've ever seen Pearl Jam in concert you'd understand why. No matter what town they're playing, when they're on stage, the electricity in the air is palpable. Lead singer Eddie Vedder is a cross between a shaman and a showman. His on-stage antics are not only engaging but serve as a powerful connection between the seasoned performer and the audience. The rest of Pearl Jam aren't too shabby either. Lead guitarist Mike McCready is an utter maestro on the axe, Matt Cameron pounds away on the skins with top-notch precision, and bassist Jeff Ament and rhythm guitarist Stone Gossard are not only brilliant musicians in their own right but, as the so-called founders of Pearl Jam, will always hold a special place in the heart's of die-hards. So what should you hope for when the setlist start to unfurl? Here's a list of the ten songs you should be hoping to hear should you ever see Pearl Jam in concert:

1) "Alive" - As an adolescent, Vedder was tormented when he learned that the man he thought was his father was not and that his real father was dead. Somehow he managed to turn that personal tragedy into the enormously popular 1991 song, "Alive". But only recently, on a VH-1 Storytellers episode, did Vedder admit that while the song was actually about a down-trodden man dealing with the "curse" of being alive, audiences misinterpreted the lyrics to be one of celebratory rejoice. As it turned out their mistake actually wound up, as Vedder put it, "lifting the curse" for him. The song is performed with great frequency these days and it's a spectacular sight to see the now content Vedder as he joins the audience in their life-affirming testimony

2) "I Got ID" - Pearl Jam originally recorded this song during their sessions with Neil Young and even without his physical presence on stage his raw guitar influence is still prevalent. Hearing the band grind away on this definitive rocking work of art (with the lyrics reportedly based on Vedder's experience with a deeply disturbed stalker) "I Got ID" is a rewarding experience for any audiophile. Perhaps one of the most beloved Pearl Jam songs amongst long-time fans, its intensity becomes obvious to even the most casual listener once its been heard in a live setting.

3) "Masters of War" - Okay granted, this isn't really a Pearl Jam song (let's give Bob Dylan his due credit) but Vedder's soaring vocals are so amazing and the delivery of this anti-war rant are so authoritative, it's hard not to get goose bumps whenever they bust out this rarity. Cameron also adds to the mood by allowing the songto build with the impending doom of a funeral dirge. It may be a volatile song during these politically divisive days but that only adds to the song's fervor.

4) "Parting Ways" - The grand scale of this stunning music is what really sets this song apart from any other tragic tale of lost love. Like many of Pearl Jam's best songs it's a slow burn, building up to an ardent crescendo. If you're lucky enough to get a guest violinist on this song, like the one who appears on the studio recording, it's simply an added bonus to this already intricately layered piece of music.

5) "Come Back" - "Black" may be the most well-known Pearl Jam song about loss and longing but "Come Back", a new song off their self-titled and critically acclaimed 2006 album, has already made quite an impression on audiences. Written as a tribute to Vedder's best friend, belated musician Johnny Ramone, its stark simplicity makes it all the more heartbreaking and vulnerable. By the time Vedder begins to wail away at the end, begging his friend to come back to him, you'll be lucky if you can find a dry eye in the house.

6) "Betterman" - Pearl Jam has become one of those bands whose legions of devoted fans will sing along loudly to whatever songs they choose to play on any given night. "Betterman", perhaps their biggest mainstream hit outside of "Last Kiss", has become the ultimate sing-a-long song at any Pearl Jam concert. It's reached the point where Vedder will simply stand back and allow the crowd to take over not just the song's intro but, on some occasions, even the first few verses. While the sound of 20,000 people singing in unison can produce a magical moment, it's nothing compared to the impassioned play between the members of Pearl Jam throughout this hopelessly catchy pop masterpiece.

7) "Release" - Part of the excitement of a Pearl Jam show is their ever changing setlist. These are not your average cookie cutter shows. Each night is crafted specifically to fit any given mood. As a result you're never certain if you're going to be greeted with a hard-rocking number or an emotionally charged one like "Release". Written in honor of the dearly departed father Vedder never knew, this beautifully crafted song can serve as a haunting opener to shows often filled with a slew of touching and deeply personal moments.

8) "Go" - It's a silly song essentially, especially after Vedder publicly admitted that it was written about his beat-up truck, but its the frantic, near punk frenzy that drives the crowd nuts with excitement. The fact that fifteen years into their career they're still able to pull off such a dynamic piece as "Go" with such confident ease serves as a reminder to fans of how truly gifted Pearl Jam are as musicians.

9) "Rearviewmirror" - Pearl Jam knows how to build to a dramatic climax but "Rearviewmirror" is perhaps their greatest example of that fact. This visceral gem progresses steadily before it explodes into a frenetic clashing of sounds and instruments. The ending usually comes equipped with flashing strobe lights that have to work overtime to keep up with the band's break neck pace. With the firm belief that music should serve as the real focus of any rock concert, Pearl Jam plays on a real bare bones stage. In other words, enjoy the light show. It's the closest you'll ever get to special effects at a Pearl Jam concert.

10) "Do The Evolution" - In the 2003 Pearl Jam DVD Live at the Garden, there is a moment during the fiery "Do The Evolution" where panic clearly creeps on to the face of the seemingly fearless Vedder. He informs the audience later that he grew nervous once he realized that the stage was violently shaking during that song. Having personally heard "Evolution" live a number of times I can testify to the fact that I'm not the least bit surprised - that song could get a room full of corpses jumping.